Brazeau County Celebrates the Alberta Government’s
Recognition of the Western Economic Corridor
Recognition of the Western Economic Corridor
BRAZEAU COUNTY, February 16, 2023 — On February 15th, Brazeau County welcomed Brian Jean, Minister of Jobs, Economy and Northern Development as he toured two facilities within Brazeau County’s Western Economic Corridor (WEC). Minister Jean congratulated the County and WEC’s evolving industrial ecosystem in support of the decarbonization of Alberta’s oil and gas, forestry, and agricultural sectors through emerging technologies, catalyzing investment attraction and job creation throughout Alberta.
The Western Economic Corridor, led and established by Brazeau County Council, leverages a robust low-tax, low-regulatory environment, excellent road and civil infrastructure network, and the pre-existing industrial base to attract significant investments, advancing economic growth in a manner conducive to both the environment and the economy. The initiative also facilitates strategic partnership opportunities between clean-tech investors and local industries as they strive to decarbonize operations, enhancing regional job creation.
Before the oil sands boom, Brazeau County was Alberta’s leading petroleum producing region and it remains an integral part of the provincial economy. Full-scale implementation of the Western Economic Corridor will support the longevity of Alberta’s oil and gas sector through decarbonizing technologies, advancing their commercialization and utilization throughout Alberta to benefit the conventional energy sector and broader economy.
Two landmark technologies have helped establish the Western Economic Corridor and have received the attention of industry and government: Recover and Base Element Energy.
Recover extracts valuable and reusable commodities from oil drilling waste to transform it into products at the top of the economic value chain. By extracting lost hydrocarbons, studies commissioned by Recover indicate their operations are reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions by greater than 100 percent with recovered fuel. One Recover facility is sequestering more CO2 emissions than the annual equivalent of nine million trees.
Base Element Energy aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from oil and gas waste management. For example, they have partnered with Alberta-based company Solar Stream to reduce emissions from tank heating and emulsion treatment.
“The Western Economic Corridor embodies Alberta’s entrepreneurial, innovative spirit. I commend Brazeau County Council for their vision in advancing this initiative and look forward to working with them to support the oil and gas sector and clean tech investments over the months and years to come. The Western Economic Corridor is a perfect example of the Renewed Alberta Advantage at work. Brazeau County created a low tax, business-friendly environment and then they attracted the best of Alberta’s entrepreneurial, innovative spirit. Commitments to innovation and technological development are what will drive the industries and jobs of tomorrow.”
– Brian Jean, Minister of Jobs, Economy & Northern Development
“Brazeau County’s oil and gas sector is a pillar of Alberta’s economy, ensuring its longevity is paramount to our community and residents. The Western Economic Corridor initiative enhances the operations of our conventional energy sector and facilitates the innovations of tomorrow for the betterment of all Albertans.”
– Bart Guyon, Reeve, Brazeau County
“The Western Economic Corridor initiative supports Recover’s growth and development by facilitating vital industry partnerships and a low tax environment. I would encourage all provincial start-ups to consider Brazeau County as their home for operations and to leverage the Western Economic Corridor initiative; we look forward to amplifying the WEC’s profile.”
– Stan Ross, President & CEO, Recover
Other strategic industry partners of the Western Economic Corridor initiative include Eavor Technologies, a geothermal technology-based energy company whose Eavor-LoopTM represents the world’s first truly scalable form of clean, baseload and dispatchable power and Hook’d Broadband Canada, whose technology solutions provide internet with the speed of fiber at a fraction of the cost to remote and rural areas.
With already low tax rates, since 2015, Brazeau County Council has offered 30% tax rebates, while creating a low-tax, low-regulatory environment for its citizens. The County is focused on allowing entrepreneurs, start-ups, and established businesses to thrive and grow. Council encourages companies involved in creating and providing cleaner energy, cleaner products, and de-carbonization solutions for the oil and gas, agriculture, and forestry industries to reach out to either of the contacts below.